This is it! I am going to spend the next few days bending all my writing energy on readying myself for Nano's rigorous writing schedule. The first seven days of November, I will be shooting for 5000 words a day. I know that I may not hit anything close, but I need the head start. Also, I need to know what is possible. I have written that many words in a day, but we are talking all day. With few distractions. And nothing else to for which I was responsible. Furthermore, if I can, I can take it easy the remaining days. It always seems like the last week is the doozy, considering Thanksgiving and all. Heck, if I find that I am actually able to do it, I may just continue through the month. Look for my page here, and track my progress if you want. I may post the actual body of work on the site, I'm not sure yet. Excerpts, though. Definitely excerpts. Also, if any of you want to take a crack at writing 50,000 words in a month, sign up for free here.
Here I go.